
Rosacea Treatment in San Mateo, CA

Rosacea Treatment

Redness and Rosacea are chronic skin conditions that primarily affect the face. These conditions cause persistent redness, visible blood vessels, and, in some cases, bumps and pimples similar to acne. The skin may also become swollen and sensitive. Common triggers include hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, temperature extremes, sunlight, stress, and certain cosmetics. Our treatments for these conditions include the Stellar M22®, Chemical Peels, Sylfirm X RF Microneedling, and Medical-Grade Skincare products for maintenance.

Redness and Rosacea treatments are ideal for individuals experiencing persistent facial redness and related symptoms. Depending on the treatment method, initial results may be seen within a few weeks, with full results developing over several months. The duration of the results varies, but maintenance treatments and proper skin care can prolong the benefits. Book an appointment with The Space Aesthetics in San Mateo, CA, for those seeking professional care for Redness and Rosacea.

Benefits of Treating Redness and Rosacea


Lifestyle changes can help manage Redness and Rosacea. Avoiding common triggers such as hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, and extreme temperatures can reduce flare-ups. Moreover, using gentle skin care products and wearing sunscreen daily also helps.

There are minimal side effects, including temporary redness, swelling, or mild discomfort. However, these effects typically subside within a few hours to a few days.

Medical-grade skincare products are manufactured with higher concentrations of active ingredients that can help soothe inflammation, strengthen the skin barrier, and reduce redness. They also provide targeted treatment and maintenance for sensitive skin.

There is no cure for Redness and Rosacea. However, effective treatments are available to help control the symptoms and improve the skin’s appearance.

A consultation with a skincare professional at The Space Aesthetics can help determine the best treatment plan for your condition. They will conduct a skin assessment and recommend the best option based on your needs.

Redness and Rosacea can worsen over time if left untreated. Early treatment intervention can help control symptoms and prevent the condition from progressing.

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